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The scope of this effort may cover a variety of structures (from a micro-level up to aircraft, ships, tanks, ground support equipment, bridges and other varieties of aging structures).

The contract scope of work includes engineering tasks and research activities for aging structures. Mission changes and structural modifications have changed the structural behavior in ways not envisioned by the original designers. Because of these, the engineering and analysis activities surrounding structural sustainment have moved beyond the routine and are now focused more toward research and development. This move from a “find and fix” mentality to one of “anticipate and manage” requires predictive tools and expertise in analysis that goes far beyond routine engineering support. Structural sustainment demands an understanding of the physical principles underlying damage progression, and the development of new, cutting-edge tools and techniques to maintain both certification and economical operation.

Core Competencies

  • Structural System Tear-Down Analysis
  • Failure (Root Cause) and Metallurgical Analysis
  • Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis
  • Flight Data Acquisition and Analysis
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Corrosion Chemistry and Mechanisms

Contract Activities

  • Aircraft Structural Tear-Down and Analysis
  • Full-Scale and Component Level Fatigue Testing
  • Stress Intensity Factor Solutions for Structural Analysis
  • Technology Assessment of Aging Life Support Equipment
  • Research for NDI Tool Design and Development
  • Development of Aircraft 3D Model and Viewer Software

Structural Teardown Activities

  • Industry Leader for Full-Scale and Component Teardown
  • Proven Methodology of Defined Processes
  • Highly Skilled and Experienced Labor Force
  • ASNT/AFRL Certified NDT Inspectors
  • Laser Sealant and Coating Removal Applications

Failure Analysis

  • Evaluation of fatigue, intergranular and stress corrosion cracking
  • Root cause analysis of NDI indications
  • Verification of alloy, temper, and product form of specimens
  • Materials testing for thermo-mechanical fatigue, fracture toughness, and oxidation resistance

Structural Evaluation Activities

  • Lap Joint and Spot Weld Evaluations
  • Corrosion Preventative Compound (CPC) Analysis
  • Close and Enhanced Visual Inspections (CVI and EVI)
  • FT-IR and Raman Spectroscopy Analysis
  • Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Ductility Testing